GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
PNG - Portable Network Graphics
JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
EXIF - Exchangeable Image file Format
AVI - Audio Video Interleaved
AVC - Advanced Video Coding
WAV - Waveform Audio File Format
MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface
AAC - Advanced Audio Coding
SNR - Signal-to-Noise Ratio
MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group

Multimedia Technology MCQs Set

1. How many types of video compressions?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6

2. Which image files are a lossy format?

3. How many step process for creating a 3D animation?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

4. Which file creates a perfect reproduction of the original images?
A. Shockwave
B. Nx View

5. Which of the following is a technique to blend two or more images to form a new
A. Modeling
B. Morphing
C. Animating
D. Warping

6. Expand JPEG.
A. Joint Photo Experts Gross
B. Joint Photographic Experts Group
C. Joint Processor Experts Group
D. Joint Photographic Expression Group

7. GIF means
A. Graphic Information File
B. Graphic Interchange Format
C. Graphic Information Format
D. Graphic Interchange File

8. Which compressions provide some loss of quality?
A. Lossy
B. Loss less
C. Cel based
D. Object based

9. Which of the following is a computer based presentation technique?
A. Slides
B. Tutorial
C. Mutimedia
D. Data processing

10. How many categories of image file compressions there?
A. 6
B. 4
C. 2
D. 3

11. MMF means
A. Mutimedia System
B. Mutimedia Messaging Services
C. Mutimedia Messaging System
D. Multimedia Services

12. Conversion of a analog waves to a digital format called
A. Echo
B. Sampling
C. Frequency
D. Sound forge

13. Which compressions does not provide some loss of quality?
A. Lossy
B. Object - based
C. Cel - based
D. Loss less

14. How many attributes control the characteristics of sound?
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2

15. How many images formats are most commonly used?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

16. How many color depth results in the images looks murky?
A. <225
B. <8
C. <16
D. <256

17. A multimedia file
a) is same as any other regular file
b) Must be accessed at specific rate
c) stored on remote server cannot be delivered to its client
d) None of the mentioned

18. In which type of streaming multimedia file is delivered to the client, but not shared?
a) real-time streaming
b) progressive download
c) compression
d) none of the mentioned

19. Which one of the following is the characteristic of a multimedia system?
a) high storage
b) high data rates
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the mentioned

20. The delay that occur during the playback of a stream is called
a) stream delay
b) playback delay
c) jitter
d) event delay

21. Which algorithm can be optimized to meet the timing deadlines and rate requirements of
continuous media?
a) Earliest-Deadline-First scheduling
b) SCAN-EDF scheduling
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the mentioned

22. Real time streaming protocol is used
a) to control streaming media servers
b) for establishing and controlling media sessions between endpoints
c) to provide real time control of playback of media files from the server
d) all of the mentioned

23. In teardown state of real time streaming protocol
a) the server resources for client
b) server delivers the stream to client
c) server suspends delivery of stream
d) server breaks down the connection

24. Cine Blitz multimedia server supports
a) Real time clients
b) Non-real time clients
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the mentioned

25. Multimedia system require hard real time scheduling
a) To ensure critical tasks will be serviced within timing deadlines
b) To deliver the media file to the client
c) To minimize the delay
d) For security

26. Which one of the following resource is not necessarily required on a file server?
a) Secondary storage
b) Processor
c) Network
d) Monitor

27. Which of the following best describes the process of streaming?
A) Playing audio files.
B) Delaying playing a multimedia element until enough data has been buffered so the element can play
C) Reducing the load time of a Web page by streamlining operations.
D) Sending packets to a Web server so improve server performance.

28. What does AIFF stand for?
A) Audio Interchange File Format
B) Audio Interchange File Folder
C) ASCII Interchange File Format
D) Audio Internet File Format

29. Which company developed the AU audio format?
A) Apple
B) Sun
C) Netscape
D) Cisco

30. What does MIDI stand for?
A) Musical Internet Digital Interface
B) Musical Internet Digital Interrupt
C) Musical Instrument Digital Interface
D) Musical Instrument Download Interface

31. Which one of the following audio formats was developed by Microsoft?
C) RealAudio

32. Which of the following tags cannot be used to include audio on a Web page?

33. Which of the following statements is true?
A) MIDI files are generally larger than WAV files.
B) Video files are generally much larger than audio files.
C) Audio and video are one and the same.
D) Nearly all 5 minute movie clips are under 1M in size.

34. An audio repository is which of the following?
A) A Web presentation that warehouses audio files.
B) A library cataloging all MIDI music.
C) A Web site that provides tutorials on sound.
D) A Web server capable of playing audio files.

35. What does AVI stand for?
A) Audio for Voice on the Internet
B) Audio Voice Interleaved
C) Audio Video Interleaved
D) Adapted Video for Internet

36. Which of the following does MPEG stand for?
A) Movie Protocol Experts Group
B) Movie Protocol Experimentation Group
C) Motion Picture Experts Group
D) Movie and Protocols Engineering Group

37. Which company developed the Quick Time format?
A) Microsoft
B) Juniper
C) Apple
D) Silicon Graphics

38. Which of the following file extensions would be used for a Quick Time movie?
A) avi
B) mpg
C) mov
D) sgi

39. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?

40. The multimedia which is delivered through Web pages is called _____ multimedia.
A) TV-based
B) CD-based
C) Tape-based
D) Web-based

41. Which of the following is the best definition for Virtual Reality?
A) Any computer game involving graphics.
B) A 3D simulation of a real or imagined environment using computers.
C) A simulator which requires special eye glasses.
D) The process of coding in another dimension.

42. VRML stands for which of the following?
A) Very Real Marking Language
B) Virtual Reality Marking Language
C) Virtual Reality Markup Language
D) Virtual Reality Makeup Language

43. Which of the following is the MIME type for a VRML file?
A) model/vrml
B) audio/vrml
C) midi/vrml
D) 3d/vrml

44. Which of the following extensions would you not expect to see on a VRML file?
A) wrl
B) wrl.gz
C) wrz
D) vr

45. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?

46. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?

47. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?

48. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?

49. Which of the following statements is true?
A) It is customary to include an error message before the opening OBJECT tag so viewers who don’t have
the appropriate plug-in to play the multi-media are informed what they are missing.
B) It is customary to include an error message before all PARAM tags so viewers who don’t have the
appropriate plug-in to play the multi-media are informed what they are missing.
C) It is customary to include an error message before the closing OBJECT tags so viewers who don’t have
the appropriate plug-in to play multi-media are informed what they are missing.
D) It is customary to include an error message in a HTML comment so viewers who don’t have the
appropriate plug-in to play the multi-media are informed what they are missing.

50. Which of the following statements is true?
A) Helpers and plug-in are one and the same concepts.
B) Browsers come with all of the necessary plugins for playing multimedia content.
C) From time-to-time you may need to install a new plugin to play a multimedia object.
D) It is not a good idea to virus check plugins since this can delay viewing a multimedia object.

51. Which of the following is false?
A) There are at least 100 different plug-ins.
B) Multimedia annoys many Web users because it forces them to learn to program.
C) Standards are evolving for multimedia formats.
D) Compression plays a big role in how fast multimedia elements can be transferred over the Internet.

52. Which of these is not likely to be the responsibility of a multimedia project?
(a) Create interfaces
(b) Ensure the visual consistency of the project
(c) Structure content
(d) Create budgets and timelines for the project
(e) Select media types for content.

53. MIDI stands for:
(a) Musical Instrument Digital Interface
(b) Musical Instrument Digital Instruction
(c) MP3 Instrument Digital Interface
(d) Musical Instrument Design Interface
(e) Multimedia Instrument Digital Interface.

54. Metal Molds for mass-producing CDs are known as:
(a) Father
(b) Mothers
(c) Sons
(d) Sisters
(e) Brothers.

55. In the top level Domains, .nom specifies:
(a) Commercial entities
(b) Personal sites
(c) non government organizations
(d) cooperatives
(e) online companies and business.

56. Interleaving the audio and video segments of a video clip together in a data file is:
(a) Flare
(b) Flattening
(c) Hot Spot
(d) Helical Scan
(e) Father.

57. represents_________ tool
(a) Card Based
(b) Page Based
(c) Time Based
(d) Icon Based
(e) Event Driven.

58. Space between lines:
(a) Leading
(b) Kerning
(c) Extrude
(d) Expanded
(e) Font Mapping.

59. The visual representation of a project that includes a table of contents as well as a chart of the
logical flow of the interactive interface is often called
(a) A master layout
(b) A navigation map
(c) A workflow diagram
(d) A prototype
(e) A synthesizer.

60. ITC Franklin Gothic specifies:
(a) Style
(b) Visual Effect
(c) Color
(d) Font
(e) Dimension.

61. Hardware that creates sound from a mathematical representation
(a) Sound Synthesizer
(b) Stampers
(c) Speaker
(d) Sons
(e) Set top box.

62. If the definition for “multimedia” is “a combination of media,” what is the best definition for
a. Separate media
b. Linked concepts
c. Separate concepts
d. Linked media

63. A good example of hypermedia in actual use is:
a. The Internet.
b. Level I videodisc.
c. Videotape.
d. Audiotape.

64. What is a major benefit of using multimedia/hypermedia in learning?
a. It makes it possible for students to understand how they learn.
b. It prepares many students for careers in film and theater.
c. It allows students a variety of ways to show their abilities.
d. It increases motivation for learning.

65. Research on multimedia and hypermedia systems in education suggests that:
a. Students learn just as well when they explanations verbally rather than through multiple media
b. Students have greater comprehension when reading words rather than hearing words.
c. A primary advantage of hypermedia is the rapid search capability.
d. Learning style has an effect on whether hypermedia features are effective.

66. Interactive books include:
a. Instructional games
b. Interactive storybooks
c. Interactive texts
d. Both interactive storybooks and texts

67. A video consists of a sequence of
a. Frames
b. signals
c. Packets
d. Slots

68. If the frames are displayed on the screen fast enough, we get an impression of
a. Signals
b. Motions
c. Packets
d. Bits

69. To receive the signal, a translator is needed to decode the signal and encode it again at a
a. High Quality
b. Low Quality
c. Same Quality

70. MPEG is used to compress
a. Frames
b. Images
c. Audio
d. Video

71. The most common compression technique that is used to create CD-quality audio is based on the
perceptual encoding technique is called
a. Predictive Encoding
b. Perceptual Encoding

72. In Audio and Video Compression, each frame is divided into small grids, called picture elements or
A. Frame
B. Packets
C. Pixels
D. Mega Pixels

73. Streaming stored audio/video, the files are compressed and stored on a
B. Server
C. Domain
D. Internet

74. Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG-2), was designed for high-quality DVD with a data rate of
A. 3 to 6 Mbps
B. 4 to 6 Mbps
C. 5 to 6 Mbps
D. 6 to 6 Mbps

75. Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is used to compress
A. Music
B. Pictures
C. Images
D. Frames

76. We can divide audio and video services into
A. 1 broad categories
B. 2 broad categories
C. 3 broad categories
D. 4 broad categories

77. In Video Compression, an independent frame that is not related to any other frame is called
A. B-Frame
B. C-Frame
C. I-Frame
D. P-Frame

78. The HTTP client accesses the Web server by using the
A. SEND message
B. GET message
C. AUTO receive message
D. None

79. In Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), a gray scale picture is divided into blocks of
A. 5 X 5 pixels
B. 6 X 6 pixels
C. 7 X 7 pixels
D. 8 X 8 pixels

80. MP3 produces three data rates from 96 Kbps to
A. 128 Kbps
B. 164 Kbps
C. 256 Kbps
D. 320 Kbps

81. For music, we need to compress the digitize signals at
A. 1.41 I-MHz
B. 1.42 I-MHz
C. 1.45 I-MHz
D. 1.48 I-MHz

82. Audio compression can be used for
A. Speech or Music
B. Voice and Data
C. Picture and Colors
D. Video and Voice

83. In Audio and Video Compression, voice is sampled at 8000 samples per second with
A. 5 bits per sample
B. 6 bits per sample
C. 7 bits per sample
D. 8 bits per sample

84. In Audio and Video Compression, term RBG expresses
A. Red, Blue, Green
B. Red, Black, Grey
C. Rate, Bit, Giga bit
D. Red, Bluish, Greyish

85. In the lowest resolution a color frame is made of
A. 1024 x 768 pixels
B. 800 X 600 pixels
C. 1152 X 864 Pixels
D. 1280 X 1080 pixels

86. In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, data are stored in the buffer at a possibly variable
A. Pixels
B. Packets
C. Rates

87. In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, to prevent jitter, we can time-stamp the packets and separate
the arrival time from the
A. Frame Time
B. Playback Time
C. Pixels Time
D. Packet Time

88. A compressed audio/video file can be downloaded as a
A. Image
B. Video
C. Frame
D. Text file

89. The purpose of dividing the picture into blocks is to decrease the number of
A. Channels
B. Pixels
C. Calculations
D. Frames

90. Before audio or, video signals can be sent on the Internet, they need to be
A. Channelized
B. Managed
C. Digitized
D. Organized

91. For speech, we need to compress the digitize signals at
A. 128 Khz
B. 256 Khz
C. 64 Khz
D. 1152 Khz

92. Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG-1), was designed for a
D. Floppy

93. Perceptual encoding is based on the science of
A. Frames
B. Music
C. Rhythm
D. psychoacoustics

94. The media player uses the URL in the metafile to access the media server to
A. download the file
B. Upload the file
C. Stored The File
D. Stream the file

95. In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, mixing means combining several streams of traffic into
A. 1 Stream
B. 2 Stream
C. 3 Stream
D. 4 Stream

96. According to the Nyquist theorem, if the highest frequency of the signal is f, we need to sample the
A. 19 Times/Sed
B. 20 Times/Sed
C. 21 Times/Sed
D. 22 Times/Sed

97. In temporal compression, redundant frames are
A. Channelized
B. Organized
C. Digitized
D. Removed

98. The Primary Colors for Color TV are
A. Blue, White, Black
B. Red, Green, Yellow
C. Red, Green, Black
D. Red, Green, Blue

99. _____ connects a word or phrase to another screen in a multimedia program.
A. Hypertext
B. Hypermedia
C. Linear interactivity
D. Non-Linear interactivity

100. Hypermedia is used to connect a multimedia application to another _____.
A. word
B. audio
C. media
D. graphic

1. Among the following which can be a part of a multimedia file. 
A. audio
B. video
C. text
D. all the above

2.What will be the file size of a BMP image 640x480 pixels with color depth 16 bpp?
Answer : 600KB
3.Which of the following file formats use lossless data compression ?
A.    PNG
B.    EXIF
C.    MP3
D.    MIDI

4.Suppose the alphabet is [A, B,C], and the known probability distribution is P(A) = 0.5, P(B) = 0.4, P(C) = 0.1. Write the encoded message for BBB string by Huffman coding
Answer : 101010

5.Write the encoded message of the String "MULTIMEDIA" by using Shannon Fano coding technique. 
Answer : 00 010 0110 0111 10 00 110 1110 10 1111


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers:-

1. A video consists of a sequence of






2. If frames are displayed on screen fast enough, we get an impression of






3. H.323 uses G.71 or G.723.1 for






4. To receive signal, a translator is needed to decode signal and encode it

again at a

A.High Quality.

B.Lower Quality.

C.Same Quality.

D.Bad Quality.


5. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), is very






6. Establishing a session in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), requires a







7. Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is used to compress






8. A combination of an encryption algorithm and a decryption algorithm is

called a

A.plain text.


C.original text.

D.shift cipher.


9. Most common compression technique that is used to create CD-quality audio

is based on perceptual encoding technique is called

A.Predictive Encoding.

B.Perceptual Encoding.




10. In Audio and Video Compression, each frame is divided into small grids,

called picture elements or




D.Mega Pixels.


11. Streaming stored audio/video, files are compressed and stored on a






12. Live streaming is still using Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP), and

multiple unicasting instead of



C.Layered Control.

D.Protocol Control.


13. Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG-2), was designed for high-quality DVD

with a data rate of

A.3 to 6 Mbps.

B.4 to 6 Mbps.

C.5 to 6 Mbps.

D.6 to 6 Mbps.


14. Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is used to compress






15. Real-time traffic needs support of



C.Layered Control.

D.Protocol Control.


16.We can divide audio and video services into

A.1 broad categories.

B.2 broad categories.

C.3 broad categories.

D.4 broad categories.


17. In Video Compression, an independent frame that is not related to any

other frame is called






18.. RTP uses a temporary even-numbered



C.UDP port.



19. HTTP client accesses Web server by using the

A.SEND message.

B.GET message.

C.AUTO receive message.



20. In Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), a gray scale picture is

divided into blocks of

A.5 X 5 pixels.

B.6 X 6 pixels.

C.7 X 7 pixels.

D.8 X 8 pixels.


21. MP3 produces three data rates from 96 Kbps to

A.128 Kbps.

B.164 Kbps.

C.256 Kbps.

D.320 Kbps.


22. For Music, we need to compress digitize signals at

A.1.41 I-MHz.

B.1.42 I-MHz.

C.1.45 I-MHz.

D.1.48 I-MHz.


23. Sometimes real-time traffic needs






24. In Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), source periodically sends a source

description message to give additional infonnation about






25. Audio compression can be used for

A.Speech or Music.

B.Voice and Data.

C.Picture and Colors.

D.Video and Voice.


26. In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, conferencing requires two way

communication between

A.receivers and senders.

B.Packet to Frames.

C.Pixels to Packets.

D.Frames to Pixels.


27. In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, Jitter is introduced in real-time

data by delay between






28. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), has a mechanism that finds the



C.IP Address.



29. In Audio and Video Compression, voice is sampled at 8000 samples per

second with

A.5 bits per sample.

B.6 bits per sample.

C.7 bits per sample.

D.8 bits per sample.


30. In Voice Over IP, Term SIP stands for

A.Session Initiation Protocol.

B.Session Initiation Port.

C.Session Initiation Path.

D.Session Initiation Packet.


31. In Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), A source sends a bye message to

shut down a






32. In Audio and Video Compression, term RBG expresses

A.Red, Blue, Green.

B.Red, Black, Grey.

C.Rate, Bit, Giga bit.

D.Red, Bluish, Greyish.


33. To perform tracking of an IP, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), uses

concept of






34. A simple session using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), consists of

three modules: establishing, communicating, and






35. Real-time traffic needs support of





36. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), is designed to be independent of


A.Linear Layer.

B.Lower Layer.

C.Transport Layer.

D.Protocol Layer.


37. In lowest resolution a color frame is made of

A.1024 x 768 pixels.

B.800 X 600 pixels.

C.1152 X 864 Pixels.

D.1280 X 1080 pixels.


38. In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, data are stored in buffer at a

possibly variable






39. In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, to prevent jitter, we can timestamp packets and separate arrival time from the

A.Frame Time.

B.Playback Time.

C.Pixels Time.

D.Packet Time.


40. Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is protocol designed to handle realtime traffic on the






41. In Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), session can be terminated with a

A.OK Message.

B.Bye Message.

C.Terminate Message.

D.Quit Message.


42. In Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), session can be terminated with a

A.OK Message.

B.Bye Message.

C.Terminate Message.

D.Quit Message.


43. RTCP stands for

A.Real-time Transport Control Program.

B.Real-time Transport Control Packet.

C.Real-time Transport Control Protocol.

D.Real-time Transport Control Path.


44. A compressed audio/video file can be downloaded as a




D.Text file.


45. When a caller needs to communicate with callee, caller can use e-mail

address instead of IP address in the

A.OK Message.

B.Bye Message.

C.INVITE Message.

D.Great Message.


46. In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, a sequence number on each packet is

required for

A.real-time traffic.

B.real-time Playback.

C.real-time pixels.

D.real-time frames.


47. Before audio or video signals can be sent on Internet, they need to be






48. For speech, we need to compress digitize signals at

A.128 Khz.

B.256 Khz.

C.64 Khz.

D.1152 Khz.


49. Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG-1), was designed for a






50. Perceptual encoding is based on science of






51. Media player uses URL in metafile to access media server to file.

B.Upload file.

C.Stored The File.

D.Stream file.


52. In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, mixing means combining several

streams of traffic into

A.1 Stream.

B.2 Stream.

C.3 Stream.

D.4 Stream.


53. According to Nyquist theorem, if highest frequency of signal is f, we

need to sample signal

A.19 Times/Sed.

B.20 Times/Sed.

C.21 Times/Sed.

D.22 Times/Sed.


54. In temporal compression, redundant frames are






55. Primary Colors for Color TV are

A.Blue, White, Black.

B.Red, Green, Yellow.

C.Red, Green, Black.

D.Red, Green, Blue.


56. Multilevel Amplitude Shift Keying (MASK) is not implemented with pure

Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), it is implemented with




D.Binary ASK.


57. In a constellation diagram, a signal element type is represented as a



C.x component.

D.y component.


58. Term that refers to phase continues through boundary of two signal

elements is

A.non coherent BFSK.

B.coherent BFSK.

C.Binary ASK.

D.Multilevel ASK.


59. Example of an analog to analog conversion is





60. Total bandwidth required for Amplitude Modulation (AM) is


B.2(1 + ? )B..




61. AM stations are allowed carrier frequencies anywhere between




D.530- 1700 kHz.


62. Analog-to-analog conversion can be accomplished in way.

B.three ways.

C.two ways.

D.four ways.


63. Term that is used to compose matrix of pixel is






64. Parameter that refers to recording and broadcasting of picture is






65. Both station can transmit and receive data simultaneously in

A.simplex mode.

B.Half duplex mode.

C.Full duplex mode.

D.None of Above.


66. Each set of bit pattern is called






67. Data communications are transfer of data through some

A.transmission medium.

B.linear medium.

C.Network LAN.



68. When system delivers data accurately then it is called






69. Mode that is like a two way street with traffic flowing in both direction

simultaneously is


B.Full Duplex.

C.Half Duplex.

D.None of above.


70. Agreement between communicating devices are called




D.Transmission Medium.


71. Five components that make up a data communications system are message,

sender, receiver, and



C.connecting device.

D.both a and b.


72. Two computers connected by an Ethernet hub are of

A.LAN topology.

B.MAN topology.

C.WAN topology.



73. How many bits in data unit has changed in single bit error

A.only 1.

B.two bits.

C.three bits.

D.four bits.


74. To guarantee detection of up to s errors in all cases, minimum hamming

distance in a block code must be






75. Cyclic codes are fast when these are implemented in


C.Local area network.

D.Wide area network.


76. In block coding, we divide our message into blocks, is called

A.code blocks.

B.packet blocks.

C.code words.



77. Find parity bit for 1001011






78. In a cyclic code, decoder is failed to detect any error, when syndrome is

B.non zero.


D.negative value.


79. What is maximum effect of a 2-ms burst of noise on data transmitted for

12 kbps

A.2 bits.

B.4 bits.

C.16 bits.

D.24 bits.


80. Divisor line and XOR are missing if corresponding bit in divisor is






81. Unsigned representation of numbers by one's complement can represent

A.positive number.

B.negative number.

C.positive and negative numbers.

D.infinite numbers.


82. Checksum is used in Internet by several protocols although not at the

A.session layer.

B.transport layer. layer. link layer.


83. Switching in Internets done by using datagram approach to packet

switching at the layer.

B.application layer. link layer.

D.physical layer..


84. A Circuit-Switched Network is made of a set of switches connected by






85. Iog28 =






86. A switch in a datagram network uses a

A.destination address.

B.sender address.

C.routing table.



87. Routing processor searches routing table is called

A.switch fabric.


C.table lookup.

D.rolling table.


88. A Virtual-Circuit Network (VCN) is normally implemented in the

A.session layer. link layer. layer.

D.physical layer.


89. Which frame completes entries in switching tables

A.acknowledgment frame.

B.setup frame.

C.routing frame.



90. Virtual-Circuit Networks and datagram networks are sub categories of

A.message-switched networks.

B.Packet-switched networks.

C.Circuit-Switched Networks.

D.None of them.


91. Actual communication in a circuit-switched network requires phase.

B.two phases.

C.three phases.

D.four phases.


92. In a packet-switched network, resources are allocated


B.on demand.

C.reserved already.

D.both a and c.


93. In Circuit Switching, resources need to be reserved during the

A.Data transfer phase.

B.teardown phase..

C.setup phase.

D.propagation phase.


94. Circuit Switched Networks are used in

A.cellular network.

B.satellite network.

C.Cable network.

D.telephone network.


95. Term that performs physical and data link functions of packet switch is


A.input port.

B.output port.

C.routing processor.

D.switching fabric.


96. Circuit-Switched Networks are not as efficient as other two types of

networks because resources are unavailable to

A.other connections.

B.same connections.

C.other switches.

D.other networks.


97. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) network is an example of

A.Packet switching network.

B.Datagram Networks.

C.Virtual circuit network.

D.message switched network.


98. Three methods of switching are

A.circuit switching, packet switching, and protocol switching.

B.circuit switching, packet switching, and message switching.

C.Loop switching, packet switching, and message switching.

D.Node switching, packet switching, and message switching.


99. A circuit-switched network is made of switches connected by physical

links, in which each link is divided into

A.n channels.

B.n+1 channels.

C.2n channels.

D.n-1 channels.


100. A switched network consists of a series of interlinked nodes is called







1. A multimedia file

a) is same as any other regular file

b) Must be accessed at specific rate

c) stored on remote server cannot be delivered to its client

d) None of the mentioned

Ans: b


2. In which type of streaming multimedia file is delivered to the client, but not shared?

a) real-time streaming

b) progressive download

c) compression

d) none of the mentioned

Ans: a


3. Which one of the following is the characteristic of a multimedia system?

a) high storage

b) high data rates

c) both (a) and (b)

d) none of the mentioned

Ans: c


4. The delay that occur during the playback of a stream is called

a) stream delay

b) playback delay

c) jitter

d) event delay

Ans: c


5. Which algorithm can be optimized to meet the timing

deadlines and rate requirements of continuous media?

a) Earliest-Deadline-First scheduling

b) SCAN-EDF scheduling

c) both (a) and (b)

d) none of the mentioned

Ans: c


6. Real time streaming protocol is used

a) to control streaming media servers

b) for establishing and controlling media sessions between endpoints

c) to provide real time control of playback of media files from the server

d) all of the mentioned

Ans: d


7. In teardown state of real time streaming protocol

a) the server resources for client

b) server delivers the stream to client

c) server suspends delivery of stream

d) server breaks down the connection

Ans: d


8. Cine Blitz multimedia server supports

a) Real time clients

b) Non-real time clients

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None of the mentioned

Ans: c


9. Multimedia system require hard real time scheduling

a) To ensure critical tasks will be serviced within timing deadlines

b) To deliver the media file to the client

c) To minimize the delay

d) For security

Ans: a


10. Which one of the following resource is not necessarily required on a file server?

a) Secondary storage

b) Processor

c) Network

d) Monitor

Ans: d


11. Which of the following best describes the process of streaming?

A) Playing audio files.

B) Delaying playing a multimedia element until enough data has been buffered so the element can play uninterrupted.

C) Reducing the load time of a Web page by streamlining operations.

D) Sending packets to a Web server so improve server performance.

Ans: b


12. What does AIFF stand for?

A) Audio Interchange File Format

B) Audio Interchange File Folder

C) ASCII Interchange File Format

D) Audio Internet File Format

Ans: A


13. Which company developed the AU audio format?

A) Apple

B) Sun

C) Netscape

D) Cisco

Ans: B


14. What does MIDI stand for?

A) Musical Internet Digital Interface

B) Musical Internet Digital Interrupt

C) Musical Instrument Digital Interface

D) Musical Instrument Download Interface

Ans: C


15. Which one of the following audio formats was developed by Microsoft?



C) RealAudio


Ans: D


16. Which of the following tags cannot be used to include audio on a Web page?





Ans: C


17. Which of the following statements is true?

A) MIDI files are generally larger than WAV files.

B) Video files are generally much larger than audio files.

C) Audio and video are one and the same.

D) Nearly all 5 minute movie clips are under 1M in size.

Ans: B


18. An audio repository is which of the following?

A) A Web presentation that warehouses audio files.

B) A library cataloging all MIDI music.

C) A Web site that provides tutorials on sound.

D) A Web server capable of playing audio files.

Ans: A


19. What does AVI stand for?

A) Audio for Voice on the Internet

B) Audio Voice Interleaved

C) Audio Video Interleaved

D) Adapted Video for Internet

Ans: C


20. Which of the following does MPEG stand for?

A) Movie Protocol Experts Group

B) Movie Protocol Experimentation Group

C) Motion Picture Experts Group

D) Movie and Protocols Engineering Group

Ans: C


21. Which company developed the Quick Time format?

A) Microsoft

B) Juniper

C) Apple

D) Silicon Graphics

Ans: C


22. Which of the following file extensions would be used for a Quick Time movie?

A) avi

B) mpg

C) mov

D) sgi

Ans: C


23. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?





Ans: D


24. Which of the following is sensible HTML code?





Ans: A


25. Which of the following is the best definition for Virtual Reality?

A) Any computer game involving graphics.

B) A 3D simulation of a real or imagined environment using

C) A simulator which requires special eye glasses.

D) The process of coding in another dimension.

Ans: B


26. VRML stands for which of the following?

A) Very Real Marking Language

B) Virtual Reality Marking Language

C) Virtual Reality Markup Language

D) Virtual Reality Makeup Language

Ans: C


27. Which of the following is the MIME type for a VRML file?

A) model/vrml

B) audio/vrml

C) midi/vrml

D) 3d/vrml

Ans: A


28. Which of the following extensions would you not expect to

see on a VRML file?

A) wrl

B) wrl.gz

C) wrz

D) vr

Ans: D


29. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?





Ans: A


30. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?





Ans: D


31. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?





Ans: D


32. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?





Ans: D


33. Which of the following statements is true?

A) It is customary to include an error message before the opening OBJECT tag so viewers who don’t have the appropriate plug-in to play the multi-media are informed what they are missing.

B) It is customary to include an error message before all PARAM tags so viewers who don’t have the appropriate plug-in to play the multi-media are informed what they are missing.

C) It is customary to include an error message before the closing OBJECT tags so viewers who don’t have the appropriate plug-in to play multi-media are informed what they are missing.

D) It is customary to include an error message in a HTML comment so viewers who don’t have the appropriate plug-in to play the multi-media are informed what they are missing.

Ans: C


34. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Helpers and plug-in are one and the same concepts.

B) Browsers come with all of the necessary plugins for playing multimedia content.

C) From time-to-time you may need to install a new plugin to play a multimedia object.

D) It is not a good idea to virus check plugins since this can delay viewing a multimedia object.

Ans: C


35. Which of the following is false?

A) There are at least 100 different plug-ins.

B) Multimedia annoys many Web users because it forces them to

learn to program.

C) Standards are evolving for multimedia formats.

D) Compression plays a big role in how fast multimedia elements

can be transferred over the Internet.

Ans: B


36. Which of these is not likely to be the responsibility of a multimedia project?

(a) Create interfaces

(b) Ensure the visual consistency of the project

(c) Structure content

(d) Create budgets and timelines for the project

(e) Select media types for content.

Ans: D


37. MIDI stands for:

(a) Musical Instrument Digital Interface

(b) Musical Instrument Digital Instruction

(c) MP3 Instrument Digital Interface

(d) Musical Instrument Design Interface

(e) Multimedia Instrument Digital Interface.

Ans: A


38. Metal Molds for mass-producing CDs are known as:

(a) Father

(b) Mothers

(c) Sons

(d) Sisters

(e) Brothers.

Ans: C


39. In the top level Domains, .nom specifies:

(a) Commercial entities

(b) Personal sites

(c) non government organizations

(d) cooperatives

(e) online companies and business.

Ans: B


40. Interleaving the audio and video segments of a video clip together in a data file is:

(a) Flare

(b) Flattening

(c) Hot Spot

(d) Helical Scan

(e) Father.

Ans: B


42. Space between lines:

(a) Leading

(b) Kerning

(c) Extrude

(d) Expanded

(e) Font Mapping.

Ans: A


43. The visual representation of a project that includes a table of contents as well as a chart of the logical flow of the interactive

interface is often called

(a) A master layout

(b) A navigation map

(c) A workflow diagram

(d) A prototype

(e) A synthesizer.

Ans: B


44. ITC Franklin Gothic specifies:

(a) Style

(b) Visual Effect

(c) Color

(d) Font

(e) Dimension.

Ans: D

45. Hardware that creates sound from a mathematical representation

(a) Sound Synthesizer

(b) Stampers

(c) Speaker

(d) Sons

(e) Set top box.

Ans: A

46. If the definition for “multimedia” is “a combination of media“ , what is the best definition for “hypermedia?”

a. Separate media

b. Linked concepts

c. Separate concepts

d. Linked media

Ans: D


47. A good example of hypermedia in actual use is:

a. The Internet.

b. Level I videodisc.

c. Videotape.

d. Audiotape.

Ans: A


48. What is a major benefit of using multimedia/hypermedia in learning?

a. It makes it possible for students to understand how they learn.

b. It prepares many students for careers in film and theater.

c. It allows students a variety of ways to show their abilities.

d. It increases motivation for learning.

Ans: D


49. Research on multimedia and hypermedia systems in education suggests that:

a. Students learn just as well when they explanations verbally

rather than through multiple media format.

b. Students have greater comprehension when reading words rather than hearing words.

c. A primary advantage of hypermedia is the rapid search capability.

d. Learning style has an effect on whether hypermedia features are effective.

Ans: C


50. Interactive books include:

a. Instructional games

b. Interactive storybooks

c. Interactive texts

d. Both interactive storybooks and texts

Ans: D


MultipleChoice Questions and Answers :-

1. A multimedia file

a) is same as any other regular file

b) Must be accessed at specific rate

c) stored on remote server cannot be delivered to its client

d) None of the mentioned

Ans: b

2. In which type of streaming multimedia file is delivered to the client, but not shared?

a) real-time streaming

b) progressive download

c) compression

d) none of the mentioned

Ans: a

3. Which one of the following is the characteristic of a multimedia system?

a) high storage

b) high data rates

c) both (a) and (b)

d) none of the mentioned

Ans: c

4. The delay that occur during the playback of a stream is called

a) stream delay

b) playback delay

c) jitter

d) event delay

Ans: c

5. Which algorithm can be optimized to meet the timing deadlines andrate requirements of

continuous media?

a) Earliest-Deadline-First scheduling

b) SCAN-EDF scheduling

c) both (a) and (b)

d) none of the mentioned

Ans: c6. Real time streaming protocol is used

a) to control streaming media servers

b) for establishing and controlling media sessions between endpoints

c) to provide real time control of playback of media files from the server

d) all of the mentioned

Ans: d

7. In teardown state of real time streaming protocol

a) the server resources for client

b) server delivers the stream to client

c) server suspends delivery of stream

d) server breaks down the connection

Ans: d

8. Cine Blitz multimedia server supports

a) Real time clients

b) Non-real time clients

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None of the mentioned

Ans: c

9. Multimedia system require hard real time scheduling

a) To ensure critical tasks will be serviced within timing deadlines

b) To deliver the media file to the client

c) To minimize the delay

d) For security

Ans: a

10. Which one of the following resource is not necessarily required on a file server?

a) Secondary storage

b) Processor

c) Network

d) Monitor

Ans: d

11. Which of the following best describes the process of streaming?

A) Playing audio files.

B) Delaying playing a multimedia element until enough data has been buffered so the element

can play uninterrupted.

C) Reducing the load time of a Web page by streamlining operations.

D) Sending packets to a Web server so improve server performance.Ans: b

12. What does AIFF stand for?

A) Audio Interchange File Format

B) Audio Interchange File Folder

C) ASCII Interchange File Format

D) Audio Internet File Format

Ans: A

13. Which company developed the AU audio format?

A) Apple

B) Sun

C) Netscape

D) Cisco

Ans: B

14. What does MIDI stand for?

A) Musical Internet Digital Interface

B) Musical Internet Digital Interrupt

C) Musical Instrument Digital Interface

D) Musical Instrument Download Interface

Ans: C

15. Which one of the following audio formats was developed by Microsoft?



C) RealAudio


Ans: D

16. Which of the following tags cannot be used to include audio on a Web page?





Ans: C

17. Which of the following statements is true?

A) MIDI files are generally larger than WAV files.

B) Video files are generally much larger than audio files.

C) Audio and video are one and the same.D) Nearly all 5 minute movie clips are under 1M in size.

Ans: B

18. An audio repository is which of the following?

A) A Web presentation that warehouses audio files.

B) A library cataloging all MIDI music.

C) A Web site that provides tutorials on sound.

D) A Web server capable of playing audio files.

Ans: A

19. What does AVI stand for?

A) Audio for Voice on the Internet

B) Audio Voice Interleaved

C) Audio Video Interleaved

D) Adapted Video for Internet

Ans: C

20. Which of the following does MPEG stand for?

A) Movie Protocol Experts Group

B) Movie Protocol Experimentation Group

C) Motion Picture Experts Group

D) Movie and Protocols Engineering Group

Ans: C

21. Which company developed the Quick Time format?

A) Microsoft

B) Juniper

C) Apple

D) Silicon Graphics

Ans: C

22. Which of the following file extensions would be used for a Quick Time movie?

A) avi

B) mpg

C) mov

D) sgi

Ans: C

23. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?




Ans: D

25. Which of the following is the best definition for Virtual Reality?

A) Any computer game involving graphics.

B) A 3D simulation of a real or imagined environment using computers.

C) A simulator which requires special eye glasses.

D) The process of coding in another dimension.

Ans: B

26. VRML stands for which of the following?

A) Very Real Marking Language

B) Virtual Reality Marking Language

C) Virtual Reality Markup Language

D) Virtual Reality Makeup Language

Ans: C

27. Which of the following is the MIME type for a VRML file?

A) model/vrml

B) audio/vrml

C) midi/vrml

D) 3d/vrml

Ans: A

28. Which of the following extensions would you not expect to see on a VRML file?

A) wrl

B) wrl.gz

C) wrz

D) vr

Ans: D

29. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?





Ans: A

30. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?




Ans: D

31. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?





Ans: D

32. Which of the following is not an attribute of the OBJECT tag?





Ans: D

33. Which of the following statements is true?

A) It is customary to include an error message before the opening OBJECT tag so viewers who

don’t have the appropriate plug-in to play the multi-media are informed what they are missing.

B) It is customary to include an error message before all PARAM tags so viewers who don’t

have the appropriate plug-in to play the multi-media are informed what they are missing.

C) It is customary to include an error message before the closing OBJECT tags so viewers who

don’t have the appropriate plug-in to play multi-media are informed what they are missing.

D) It is customary to include an error message in a HTML comment so viewers who don’t have

the appropriate plug-in to play the multi-media are informed what they are missing.

Ans: C

34. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Helpers and plug-in are one and the same concepts.

B) Browsers come with all of the necessary plugins for playing multimedia content.

C) From time-to-time you may need to install a new plugin to play a multimedia object.

D) It is not a good idea to virus check plugins since this can delay viewing a multimedia object.

Ans: C

35. Which of the following is false?

A) There are at least 100 different plug-ins.

B) Multimedia annoys many Web users because it forces them to learn to program.

C) Standards are evolving for multimediaformats.

D) Compression plays a big role in how fast multimedia elements can be transferred over theInternet.

Ans: B

36. Which of these is not likely to be the responsibility of a multimedia project?

(a) Create interfaces

(b) Ensure the visual consistencyof the project

(c) Structure content

(d) Create budgets and timelines for the project

(e) Select media types for content.

Ans: D

37. MIDI stands for:

(a) Musical Instrument Digital Interface

(b) Musical Instrument Digital Instruction

(c) MP3 Instrument Digital Interface

(d) Musical Instrument Design Interface

(e) Multimedia Instrument Digital Interface.

Ans: A

38. Metal Molds for mass-producing CDs are known as:

(a) Father

(b) Mothers

(c) Sons

(d) Sisters

(e) Brothers.

Ans: C

39. In the top level Domains, .nom specifies:

(a) Commercial entities

(b) Personal sites

(c) non government organizations

(d) cooperatives

(e) online companies and business.

Ans: B

40. Interleaving the audio and video segments of a video clip together in a data file is:

(a) Flare

(b) Flattening

(c) Hot Spot

(d) Helical Scan

(e) Father.Ans: B

41. represents_________ tool

(a) Card Based

(b) Page Based

(c) Time Based

(d) Icon Based

(e) Event Driven.

Ans: C

42. Space between lines:

(a) Leading

(b) Kerning

(c) Extrude

(d) Expanded

(e) Font Mapping.

Ans: A

43. The visual representation of a project that includes a table of contents as well as a chart of the

logical flow of the interactive interface is often called

(a) A master layout

(b) A navigation map

(c) A workflow diagram

(d) A prototype

(e) A synthesizer.

Ans: B

44. ITC Franklin Gothic specifies:

(a) Style

(b) Visual Effect

(c) Color

(d) Font

(e) Dimension.

Ans: D

45. Hardware that creates sound from a mathematical representation

(a) Sound Synthesizer

(b) Stampers

(c) Speaker

(d) Sons

(e)Set top box.

Ans: A46. If the definition for “multimedia” is “a combination of media,” what is the best definition for


a. Separate media

b. Linked concepts

c. Separate concepts

d. Linked media

Ans: D

47. A good example of hypermedia in actual use is:

a. The Internet.

b. Level I videodisc.

c. Videotape.

d. Audiotape.

Ans: A

48. What is a major benefit of using multimedia/hypermedia in learning?

a. It makes it possible for students to understand how they learn.

b. It prepares many students for careers in film and theater.

c. It allows students a variety of ways to show their abilities.

d. It increases motivation for learning.

Ans: D

49. Research on multimedia and hypermedia systems in education suggests that:

a. Students learn just as well when they explanations verbally rather than through multiple media


b. Students have greater comprehension when reading words rather than hearing words.

c. A primary advantage of hypermedia is the rapid search capability.

d. Learning style has an effect on whether hypermedia features are effective.

Ans: C

50. Interactive books include:

a. Instructional games

b. Interactive storybooks

c. Interactive texts

d. Both interactive storybooks and texts

Ans: D


1. We can divide audio and video services into _______ broad categories.

A. three(*)

B. two

C. four

D. none of the above

2. ________ audio/video refers to on-demand requests for

compressed audio/video files.

A. Streaming live

B. Streaming stored(*)

C. Interactive

D. none of the above

3. __________ audio/video refers to the broadcasting of radio and TV programs through the Internet.

A. Interactive

B. Streaming live(*)

C. Streaming stored

D. none of the above

4. _________ audio/video refers to the use of the Internet for

interactive audio/video applications.

A. Interactive(*)

B. Streaming live

C. Streaming stored

D. none of the above

5. According to the Nyquist theorem, we need to sample an analog signal ________times the highest frequency.

A. three

B. two(*)

C. four

D. none of the above

6. In ________ encoding, the differences between thesamples are

encoded instead of encoding all the sampled values.

A. predictive(*)

B. perceptual

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

7. ________ encoding is based on the science of psychoacoustics, which is the study of how people perceive sound

A. Predictive

B. Perceptual(*)

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

8. ____________ is used to compress images.


B. JPEG(*)

C. either a or b

D. none of the above

9. __________ is used to compress video.

A. MPEG(*)


C. either a or b

D. none of the above

10. The first phase of JPEG is ___________

A. DCT transformation(*)

B. quantization

C. data compression

D. none of the above

1. The second phase of JPEG is ___________

A. DCT transformation

B. quantization(*)

C. data compression

D. none of the above

2.The third phase of JPEG is ___________

A. DCT transformation

B. quantization

C. data compression(*)

D. none of the above

3. Jitter is introduced in real-time data by the _______________

A. error caused during transmission

B. delay between packets(*)

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

4. To prevent _________, we can timestamp the packets and separate the arrival time from the playback time.

A. error

B. jitter(*)

C. either a or b

D. none of the above

5. A ________buffer is required for real-time traffic.

A. playback(*)

B. reordering

C. sorting

D. none of the above

6. A __________on each packet is required for real-time traffic

A. timestamp

B. sequence number

C. both a and b(*)

D. none of the above

7. Real-time traffic needs the support of ____________

A. broadcasting

B. multicasting(*)

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

8. __________ means changing the encoding of a payload to a lower quality to match the bandwidth of the receiving network.

A. Translation(*)

B. Mixing

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

9. __________ means combining several streams of traffic ffic into one stream

A. Translation

B. Mixing(*)

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

10. _________ is not suitable for interactive multimedia traffic because it retransmits packets in case oferrors.


B. TCP(*)

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

1. ________ is the protocol designed to handle real-time traffic on the Internet



C. RTP(*)

D. none of the above

2. RTP uses a temporary even-numbered _______ port

A. UDP(*)


C. both a and b

D. none of the above

3. ___________ is a protocol for controlling the flow and quality of data.


B. RTCP(*)


D. none of the above

4. RTCP uses an odd-numbered numbered _______ port number that follows the port number selected for RTP

A. UDP(*)


C. both a and b

D. none of the above

5. ___________ is an application protocol that establishes, manages, and terminates a multimedia session


B. SIP(*)


D. none of the above

6. _______ is a standard to allow telephones on the public telephone

network to talk to computers connected to the Internet


B. H.323(*)

C. Q.991

D. none of the above

7. A real-time video performance lasts 10 min. If there is jitter in the system, the viewer spends _______ minutes watching the performance

A. less than 10

B. more than 10(*)

C. exactly 10

D. none of the above

8. A _______ shows the time a packet was produced relative to the

first or previous packet.

A. timestamp(*)

B. playback buffer

C. sequence number

D. none of the above

9. _______ are used to number the packets of a real-timetime


A. Timestamps

B. Playback buffers

C. Sequence numbers(*)

D. none of the above

10. In a real-time video conference, data from the server is _______

to the client sites.

A. unicast

B. multicast(*)

C. broadcast

D. none of the above

1.   What menu is selected to cut, copy, and paste?

a.   File

b.  Tools

c.   Special

d.  Edit

Ans d

2.   You can use the tab key to

a.   Move a cursor across the screen

b.  Indent a paragraph

c.   Move the cursor down the screen

d.  Only A and B

ANS ; b

3.   When sending an e-mail, the ____  line describes the contents of the message.

a.   To

b.  Subject(*)

c.   Contents

d.  CC

4.   One advantage of dial-up-internet access is      

a.   It utilizes broadband technology

b.  It utilizes existing telephone service(*)

c.   It uses a router for security

d.  Modem speeds are very fast

5.   Personal logs or journal entries posted on the Web are known as :

a.   Listservs

b.  Webcasts

c.   Blogs(*)

d.  Subject Directories

6.   Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning file?

a.   Files may share the same name or the same extension but not both

b.  Every file in the same foldr must have a unique name

c.   File extension is another name for file type

d.  The file extension comes before the dot (.) followed by the file name(*)

7.   A multimedia file

a.   is same as any other regular file

b.  must be accessed at specific rate(*)

c.   stored on remote server can not be delivered to its client

d.  none of the mentioned

8.   In which type of streaming multimedia file is delivered to the client, but not shared?

a.   real-time streaming(*)

b.  progressive download

c.   compression

d.  none of the mentioned

9.   Which one of the following is the characteristic of a multimedia system?

a.   high storage

b.  high data rates

c.   both a and b(*)

d.  none of the mentioned

10.  The delay that occur during the playback of a stream is called

a.    stream delay

b.    playback delay

c.     jitter(*)

d.    event delay

11.Which  algorithm  can  be  optimized  to  meet  the  timing  deadlines  and  rate  requirements  of

continuous media?

a.    Earliest-Deadline-First scheduling

b.    SCAN-EDF scheduling

c.    both a and b(*)

d.    none of the mentioned

12.  Real time streaming protocol is used

a.    to control streaming media servers

b.    for establishing and controlling media sessions between endpoints

c.     to provide real time control of playback of media files from the server

d.    all of the mentioned(*)

13.  In teardown state of real time streaming protocol

a.    the server resources for client

b.    server delivers the stream to client

c.     server suspends delivery of stream

d.    server breaks down the connection(*)

14.  Multimedia system require hard real time scheduling

a.    to ensure critical tasks will be serviced within timing deadlines(*)

b.    to deliver the media file to the client

c.     to minimize the delay

d.    for security

15.  Which one of the following resource is not necessarily required on a file server?

a.    secondary storage

b.    processor

c.     network

d.    monitor(*)

16.  A video consists of a sequence of

a.    Frames(*)

b.    Signals

c.     Packets

d.    Slots

17.  If frames are displayed on screen fast enough, we get an impression of

a.    Signals

b.    Motions(*)

c.     Packets

d.    Bits

18.  H.323 uses G.71 or G.723.1 for

a.    Compression(*)

b.    Communication

c.     Controlling

d.    Conferencing

19.  Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is used to compress

a.    Frames

b.    Images

c.     Audio

d.    Video(*)

20.  In Audio and Video Compression, each frame is divided into small grids, called picture elements or

a.    Frame

b.    Packets

c.     Pixels(*)

d.    Mega Pixels

21.  A concentric ring on a disk is referred to as a

a.    track(*)

b.    sector

c.     table

d.    segmen

22.  Many bitmapped images in a sequence is known as

a.    JPEG animation

b.    tweening

c.     TIF animation

d.    GIF animation(*)

23.  JPEG stands for:

a.    Joint Photographic Experts Group(*)

b.    Joint Picture Exports Group

c.     Joint Picture Export Graphics

d.    Joint Picture Extra Group

24.  Which file format is for Photoshop?

a.    JPEG

b.    PSD(*)

c.     ODT

d.    DOC

25.  Which among the following field is used to send an email to a third party?

a.    To

b.    Copy to

c.     BCC(*)

d.    Attach

26.  The  file format is a method of encoding pictures on a 


a.    HTML

b.    URL

c.     JPEG(*)

d.    DOC

27.  Which among the following is an example of computer simulated environment?

a.    Audio visual Aids

b.    Video Conference

c.     Social Networking groups

d.    Virtual Reality(*)

28. An e-mail address typically consists of a user ID followed by the  sign and the name of the e-mail server that manages the user’s electronic post office box.

a.    @(*)

b.    &

c.    #

d.    *

29.  With regard to e-mail, what does Bcc mean?

a.  Blind Computer Communication : - The users specified in the Bcc : field  will get the e-mail and see the addresses in the to : and cc : fields.

b. Blind Carbon Copy : - The users specified in the Bcc : field will get the  e-mail and see the addresses in the to : and cc : fields.(*)

c. Blind Computer Communication :- The users specified in the Bcc : field will get  the e-mail but it will be an audio file because this is how blind people get e-mail.

d. Blind Carbon Copy : The users specified  in  the  Bcc : field will get the  e-mail but will not   see the addresses in the to : and cc : fields.

30.    _____  is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to 

exchange data using radio waves.

a.    Intranet

b.    LAN

c.    Wi-Fi(*)

d.    Internet


1. Identify the concept of blending colors along the edges of letters to create gentle effect.

(a) Anti-aliasing
(b) Morphing
(c) Kerning
(d) Leading
(e) Cascading.

2. Acronym for VRML:

(a) Virtual Reality Modeling Level 
(b) Virtual Reality Modulation Language 
(c) Virtual Rate Modeling Language 
(d) Virtual Reality Modeling Language 
(e) Virtual Reality Marketing Language.

3. A Multimedia Presentation can be:

I. Linear.
II. Nonlinear.
III. Structured link.
IV. Web page.

(a) Only (I) above
(b) Only (IV) above
(c) Both (I) and (II) above
(d) (I), (II) and (III) above
(e) All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

4. ______________,from Macromedia can be used to create Postscript, TrueType and bitmapped fonts for MAC, PB, SUN includes a freehand drawing tool

(a) COOL 3D 
(b) HotTEXT
(c) Robots
(d) Fontographer
(e) Smiley.

5. ______________is a shorthand representation of music stored in numeric form. 

(a) Digital Audio
(b) MIDI
(c) Audio Resolution
(d) Mono files 
(e) LPC.

6. Converting bitmaps to drawn object is more difficult and is called:

(a) Dithering
(b) Morphing
(c) autotracing
(d) Leading
(e) Kerning.

7. What is the quicktime embedded HTML command? 

(a) HFS
(b) Hues
(c) HREF

8. Identify the Test Release, which is typically for internal circulation only.

(a) Beta Release
(b) Gamma Release
(c) Polishing
(d) Sigma Release
(e) Alpha Release.

9. Identify the Macintosh character for <>

(a) (…)Ellipse
(b) ?
(c) “ “
(d) =
(e) >=

10. Which of the following is not the style for the font?

(a) Shadow
(b) Outline
(c) Carve
(d) Bold
(e) Engrave.


Q.1)     ____________ refers to any type of application or presentation that involves more than one type of media, such as text, graphics, video, animation, and sound.
A.        An executable file
B.         Desktop publishing
C.        Multimedia
D.        Hypertext

Q.2)     One of the disadvantages of multimedia is:
A.        cost
B.         adaptability
C.        usability
D.        relativity

Q.3)     The text color in a presentation should contrast with the ________ color.
A.        CPU
B.         frame
C.        stack
D.        background

Q.4)     Images included in many software titles are called _________.
A.        clipart
B.         popups
C.        .jpg files
D.        .tiff files

Q.5)     A smaller version of an image is called a:
A.        clipart
B.         bitmap
C.        portable network graphic
D.        thumbnail

Q.6)     The process of planning your multimedia presentation is known as a:
A.        design
B.         storyboard
C.        development
D.        layout

Q.7)     In slide ______ view, you see the entire presentation displayed in miniature. This view is used to arrange the slides in your presentation, as well as, to add animations, transitions and timing.
A.        arranger
B.         creator
C.        shaper
D.        sorter

Q.8)     The slide ________ controls text characteristics, background color and special effects, such as shadowing and bullet style.
A.        presentation
B.        master
C.        show
D.        sorter

Q.9)     Designed to create a particular look, a __________ contains color schemes, slide and title masters with custom formatting and fonts styles.
A.        template
B.         presentation
C.        slide
D.        background

Q.10)  Adding _________ to objects on your slides not only controls the flow of information, but adds interest to your presentation.
A.        background
B.         transition
C.        animation
D.        popups

Q.11)  The ________ master controls the format and placement of the titles and text you type on slides, as well as, background items and graphics you want to appear on every slide.
A.        slide
B.         copyright
C.        layout
D.        design

Q.12)  The first slide in a presentation is usually reserved for the _________.
A.        introduction
B.         author
C.        master
D.        title

Q.13)  ______________ is the special effect used to introduce each slide in a slide presentation.
A.        Animation
B.         Bulleting
C.        Transition
D.        Mapping

Q.14)  Notes that include the slide as well as key comments and points you may want to emphasis while you present your slide show are know as:
A.        speaker handouts
B.        speaker notes
C.        student notes
D.        cheat sheet

Q.15)  A ________ displays a list of commands and usually appears in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
A.        view
B.        menu
C.        kit
D.        list

Q.16)  Slide and title masters contain ___________ that reserve spaces for text and footers such as date, time and slide number.
A.        reservations
B.        placeholders
C.        spaces
D.        documents

Q.17)  Changing the appearance of your slide _________ can alter the slide’s color, shade, pattern, or texture.
A.        background
B.         foreground
C.        watermark
D.        design

Q.18)  A ____________ is a series of slides displayed in a particular sequence.
A.        placeholder
B.         layout
C.        template
D.        slide show

Q.19)  Quick access to frequently used commands can be found in the ________ toolbar.
A.        view
B.         drawing
C.        kit
D.        menu

Q.20)  A ____________ can be added to your presentation and then used to go to a variety of locations ---- for example, a web address, an e-mail address, a custom show or document, just to name a few.
A.        menulink
B.        hyperlink
C.        toollink

D.        slidelink

Q. The multimedia element that explains idea through a picture is called _____.

> graphic


Q. Multimedia means the use of more than one _____ in communication.

> media


Q. Engineers design cars before producing them by using a multimedia application called 

> Computer-Aided Design


Q. The multimedia element that makes object move is called _____.

> animation


Q. In ICT, using multimedia means using various _____. The process involves interaction between the technology and the user.

>  media


Q. In medicine, doctors can practise or be trained in performing high-risk surgery by using _____ surgery

> virtual


Q. Using a multimedia directory and an _____ are examples of multimedia application for finding information.

> encyclopaedia


Q. There are _____ main elements in multimedia.

> five


Q. A combination of _____ and entertainment makes learning enjoyable in schools.

> education


Q. Companies nowadays make multimedia _____ to promote their products.

> catalogues


Q. Access to information in the multimedia content is flexible in a _____ interactivity.

> non-linear


Q. _____ interactivity is a two-way communication process.

> Non-linear


Q. _____ refers to the way users communicate with a multimedia application or program.

> Interactivity


Q. _____ and _____ are two broad interactivity categories used in a multimedia application

> linear and non-linear


Q. A movie that combines audio , graphics and animation is still considered as a _____ multimedia content since its user is a passive receiver of the content.

> linear


Q. In _____ interactivity, the user does not have the freedom to view the content they want.

> linear


Q. _____ connects a word or phrase to another screen in a multimedia program.

> Hypertext


Q. Hypermedia is used to connect a multimedia application to another _____.

> media


Q. _____ multimedia is a combination between multimedia technology and Internet technology.

> web based


  1. I Like to add one more important thing here, North America is expecting the highest growth for embedded multimedia card market worldwide as tremendous growth of 3G penetration across the region.


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